Over 1,000 young people empowered through the 5th edition of Future Voices

To transform the lives of young people in vulnerable situations by equipping them with communication tools and soft skills.
Future Voices, a Fundación José Antonio Llorente project, has successfully completed its fifth edition. This year, Future Voices reached over 1,000 young people across 12 countries.
Thanks to the dedication of 145+ LLYC professionals who volunteered their time and expertise, participants gained critical communication tools and soft skills, empowering them to build confidence, take charge of their futures, and create lasting change 🚀.
This edition significantly increased the project’s global reach, with 68% more participants than last year. It also introduced new content focused on data analysis and improved the volunteer experience by offering in-person sessions.
The fifth edition of Voces Futuras joined forces with 13 social organizations:
- Fundación Cimientos (Argentina)
- Plano de Menina (Brazil)
- Fundación Cerro Navia Joven (Chile)
- Fundación Siigo (Colombia)
- Fundación Nuestros Jóvenes (Ecuador)
- Fundación Iter (Spain)
- Fundación Plaza de los Oficios (Spain)
- Lotus House (United States)
- Christel House (Mexico)
- Fundación TAC (Panama)
- Kantaya (Peru)
- Centro Multicultural de Formação (Portugal)
- Fundación Abriendo Camino (Dominican Republic)
145 LLYC professionals volunteered to empower over 1,000 young people in vulnerable situations across 12 countries.